Policies and procedures
Code of Good Governance
We signed up in November 2011 to the Voluntary Code of Good Governance for the Sport and Recreation Sector published by the Sport and Recreation Alliance. This means we commit to seven principles, including integrity, objectivity, accountability and high standards, delivery of our vision for stoolball and engaging with the wider sport community.
Recruitment and selection policy (PDF, 137K)
This policy applies to the recruitment and selection of all volunteers engaged to volunteer on behalf of stoolball.
Recruitment of ex-offenders policy (PDF, 90K)
We may apply for and review the past criminal records of those that have or will have significant contact with children and young people to ensure as far as possible that those who take up appointments do not pose a risk.
Disciplinary policy (PDF, 241K)
The standards of conduct and performance expected of employees and volunteers, including coaches, umpires, club administrators, players and anyone else involved in stoolball competitions, leagues or events.
Storage, handling, use, retention and disposal of disclosure information (PDF, 82K)
Our procedure to comply fully with our obligations under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation regarding the use of Criminal Records Bureau disclosure information.
Safeguarding and protection of young people policy (PDF, 64K)
All clubs, schools, leagues and affiliated county bodies should acknowledge that the welfare of the child is paramount and should take all necessary steps to protect from harm those children who participate in stoolball.
- Appendix 1: The role and responsibilities of the Stoolball England Welfare Officer (PDF, 159K)
- Appendix 2: Role of Welfare Officer at club level (PDF, 85K)
- Appendix 3: Internal case management (PDF, 75K)
- Appendix 4: Flow chart for reporting out-of-sport concerns (PDF, 84K)
- Appendix 5: Flow chart for reporting in-sport concerns (PDF, 97K)
- Appendix 6: Abuse (PDF, 95K)
- Appendix 7: Bullying (PDF, 158K)
- Appendix 8: Whistle-blowing (PDF, 139K)
- Appendix 9: Safeguarding concerns report form (PDF, 108K)
Stoolball England recognises UK Sport as the UK’s National Anti-Doping Organisation (as that term is defined in the World Anti-Doping Code) and shall fully support UK Sport’s efforts in the fight against doping in sport, including respecting and promoting the principles of the UK National Anti-Doping Policy. You can view a list of the current sanctions for anti-doping rule violations on the UK Anti-Doping website.