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Highest individual scores in the Chanctonbury Ladies' League, 2011 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
101 Ginny Ifould 4 July 2011 36*
= Julie Tester 17 August 2011 36*
103 L Clark 27 May 2011 36
= L Clark 27 June 2011 36
= Ginny Ifould 1 August 2011 36
= S Howell 11 July 2011 36
107 Y Pratt 1 August 2011 35
= V Sowton 16 May 2011 35
= M Chapman 31 August 2011 35
= Heather Cresswell 17 August 2011 35
111 Rebecca Streeter 1 August 2011 34*
112 Charlotte Adfield 23 May 2011 34
113 C Pettitt 25 July 2011 33
114 A Johnson 31 August 2011 32
= N Reynolds 11 July 2011 32
= C Pettitt 6 June 2011 32
117 C Pettitt 23 May 2011 31
118 Georgie Moon 11 July 2011 31*
119 C Keates 1 September 2011 31
= Hannah Tomlinson 8 August 2011 31
= Jess Collier 16 May 2011 31
122 Ginette Hobbs 23 May 2011 30*
123 T Blanchard 6 June 2011 30
124 C Keates 25 July 2011 29
= Hannah Tomlinson 10 August 2011 29
= Katie Grinyer 27 June 2011 29
= K Grinyer 4 July 2011 29
= Katie Neil-Smith 30 May 2011 29
= S Turner 30 May 2011 29
130 P Phillips 23 May 2011 28*
131 Hannah Tomlinson 6 June 2011 28
= Jennifer Langmead 4 July 2011 28
= A Spain 4 July 2011 28
= H Woods 9 May 2011 28
= Jessica Challen 25 July 2011 28
136 N Reynolds 9 May 2011 27*
137 N Reynolds 22 August 2011 27
= Joanne Green 13 June 2011 27
= S Turner 11 July 2011 27
= S Cross 6 June 2011 27
= T Blanchard 7 September 2011 27
= Hannah Tomlinson 23 May 2011 27
= Jessica Challen 13 June 2011 27
= Louise Blunden 11 July 2011 27
= L Shipp 1 August 2011 27
146 Nicky Roberts 1 August 2011 26
= Linda White 8 August 2011 26
= L Shipp 17 August 2011 26
= Louise Blunden 7 September 2011 26
= T Blanchard 13 June 2011 26

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