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Highest individual scores in the Eastbourne Red Triangle League, Division 2, 2011 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
101 Sarah Creed 26 April 2011 2
= Claire Hendry 10 May 2011 2
= Claire Hendry 28 June 2011 2
= Dave Sharpe 13 June 2011 2
= Jenny Hernan 13 June 2011 2
= Sam Christie 24 May 2011 2
= Sam Christie 19 July 2011 2
= Sam Christie 26 July 2011 2
= Kim Allfrey 28 June 2011 2
= Janet Martin 19 July 2011 2
= Kathryn Milham 19 July 2011 2
= Mark Collin 19 July 2011 2
= Georgie Hernan 26 April 2011 2
= Becky Twine 26 July 2011 2
115 Tyrone Bruce 10 May 2011 1*
= Mike Tutt 26 April 2011 1*
117 Jenine Leathers 10 May 2011 1
= Sue Tutt 13 June 2011 1
= Jenine Leathers 19 July 2011 1
= Alan Collin 24 May 2011 1
= Claire Hendry 13 June 2011 1
= Georgie Hernan 13 June 2011 1
= Dave Sharpe 26 July 2011 1
= Chris Redfern 13 July 2011 1
= Callum Field 24 May 2011 1
= Elliott Field 28 June 2011 1
127 Dave Bulwer 28 June 2011 0*
= Tyrone Bruce 28 June 2011 0*
= Chris Shaw 13 July 2011 0*
130 Rachel Twine 26 July 2011 0
= James Wilding 13 July 2011 0
= Kirsty Westwood 13 June 2011 0
= Jenine Leathers 13 July 2011 0
= Julie Impey 13 July 2011 0
= Julie Impey 26 July 2011 0
= Brendan Field 26 July 2011 0
= Sue Bruce 13 July 2011 0
= Jacob Impey 26 July 2011 0
= Mark Collin 16 May 2011 0
= Brendan Field 13 July 2011 0
= Craig Ticehurst 19 July 2011 0
= Brendan Field 16 May 2011 0
= Tony Land 19 July 2011 0
= Callum Harris 13 June 2011 0
= Brendan Field 19 July 2011 0
= Claire Hendry 16 May 2011 0
= Callum Field 26 July 2011 0
= Charlie Christie 13 July 2011 0
= Suzanne Green 24 May 2011 0
= Sue Tutt 26 April 2011 0

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