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Highest individual scores in the Mid Sussex Mixed League, 2008 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
101 Jane Mason 19 June 2008 1*
102 Caley Stevens 13 May 2008 1
= Carol Hart 19 June 2008 1
= Rob Such 3 June 2008 1
= Clare Cornford 8 July 2008 1
= Jenny Theobald 5 August 2008 1
= Rick Mason 19 June 2008 1
108 Ollie Theobald 5 August 2008 0*
= Danielle 22 July 2008 0*
= Stuart Chappell 3 June 2008 0*
111 Jane Mason 3 June 2008 0
= Caroline Sandals 3 June 2008 0
= Kandice Williams 15 July 2008 0
= Laura 5 August 2008 0
= George 19 June 2008 0
= Brett Butler 8 July 2008 0
= Laurenne 8 July 2008 0
= Becky 8 July 2008 0
= Sasha 5 August 2008 0
= Chris 8 July 2008 0
= Sophie 8 July 2008 0
= Tracy Allen 15 July 2008 0
= Lee Howell 15 July 2008 0

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