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Highest individual scores at Hildenborough Recreation Ground, Hildenborough

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
101 Emily Rouche 12 May 2021 51
102 Stephanie Chapman 27 May 2015 50*
103 Anne Hardwick 1 July 50
= Sarah Davis 20 July 2015 50
= Helen Aldridge 11 June 2014 50
106 Kim Smith 31 May 2017 49*
107 Mel Swan 30 July 2018 49
108 Teresa Gower 21 May 2014 48*
= Lucy Order 8 June 2016 48*
110 Mel Swan 8 May 2019 48
= Maddie Smith 8 July 2019 48
= Ben Watkins 1 September 2021 48
113 Stephanie Chapman 5 June 2023 47*
= Jane Collier 27 June 2016 47*
= Helen Aldridge 18 June 2014 47*
116 Jane Collier 15 May 2017 47
= Michala Dresman 14 June 2023 47
= Helen Saunders 1 July 2015 47
119 Jane Collier 25 May 2016 46*
= Jane Collier 24 June 46*
121 Jane Collier 13 July 2016 46
= Lucy Adams 17 July 2017 46
= Stephanie Chapman 28 June 2017 46
124 Georgie Harrison 1 September 2021 45*
= Emma Stanton 12 June 45*
= Claire Beardon 20 July 2015 45*
= Jane Collier 16 July 2018 45*
= Stella Collins 29 June 2022 45*
= Tina Steer 5 June 2023 45*
= Nicola Dobson 14 May 2014 45*
131 Helen Aldridge 5 July 2017 45
= Tina Steer 24 July 2019 45
= Millie Rowe 21 June 2017 45
= Helen Aldridge 31 May 2017 45
135 Millie Rowe 29 June 2015 44*
= Nicky Norris 13 July 2022 44*
137 Nicola Dobson 13 May 2015 44
138 Danielle Parfett 1 June 2015 43*
= Laura French 22 May 2017 43*
= Beth 1 July 43*
= Kim Smith 13 June 2022 43*
= Sophie Dunn 13 June 2022 43*
= Helen Aldridge 5 June 2023 43*
144 Mark Hadlow 5 September 2022 43
= Jane Collier 13 June 2022 43
= Marie Wells 20 July 2016 43
147 Jane Collier 13 June 2018 42*
= Jane Collier 15 June 2016 42*
149 Emma Symes 14 June 2023 42
= Jane Collier 25 July 2016 42

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