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Most catches at Icklesham Recreation Ground, Winchelsea

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Catches
51 Simon
Hooe Mixed
3 3
= Ben
Catsfield Mixed
4 3
= Jeanette
Hooe Mixed
5 3
= Paul
Icklesham Mixed
6 3
= Chiffer
Brightling Mixed
7 3
= Eric
Scorpions Mixed
7 3
= Andrew
Hooe Mixed
10 3
= Mark
Hooe Mixed
10 3
= Anya
Pett Mixed
11 3
= Jane
Pett Mixed
12 3
= Kelly
Icklesham Mixed
12 3
= Mildred
Icklesham Mixed
20 3
= Hannah
Icklesham Ladies
31 3
= Heidi
Icklesham Mixed
69 3
65 Aaron
Crowhurst Mixed
1 2
= George
Pett Mixed
1 2
= Carly
Robertsbridge Ladies
1 2
= Jacqui
Icklesham Mixed
1 2
= Nadia
Pett Ladies
1 2
= Beth
Hooe Mixed
1 2
= George
Scorpions Mixed
1 2
= Harry
Brightling Mixed
1 2
= Donna
Crowhurst Mixed
2 2
= Mark
Crowhurst Mixed
2 2
= Gwyllam
Ashburnham Mixed
2 2
= Jason
Ashburnham Mixed
2 2
= Hannah
Robertsbridge Mixed
2 2
= Tony
Hooe Mixed
2 2
= Alan
Robertsbridge Mixed
2 2
= Sarah.C
Robertsbridge Ladies
2 2
= MarkJ
Hooe Mixed
2 2
= Henry
2 2
= Sally
2 2
= Ryan
Hooe Ladies
2 2
= Aron
Hooe Mixed
2 2
= Richard
Hooe Mixed
2 2
= Bryony
Hooe Ladies
3 2
= Ben
Scorpions Mixed
3 2
= Sophie
Brightling Mixed
3 2
= Jordan
Robertsbridge Mixed
3 2
= Pete
Scorpions Mixed
3 2
= Jessamy
Catsfield Mixed
3 2
= Neil Be
Civil Service
3 2
= Aaron
Catsfield Mixed
3 2
= Tim
Icklesham Mixed
3 2
= Sarah
Brightling Ladies
3 2
= Alan
Civil Service
4 2
= Scott
Hooe Mixed
4 2
= Lex
Catsfield Ladies
4 2
= Ollie
Pett Mixed
4 2

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