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Most wickets at The cricket field, The Green, Horsted Keynes

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Lily Bravo
Horsted Keynes
10 2 2
52 Evie
Horsted Keynes Juniors
1 1 1
= Daisy
Ansty Ladies
1 1 1
= Zoe Hazelden
Horsted Keynes
1 1 1
= Susie Harrison
1 1 1
= Bernie Gleeve
1 1 1
= Immy Wilkins
Horsted Keynes Juniors
1 1 1
= Imogen
Horsted Keynes Juniors
1 1 1
= Karen Perrin
Horsted Keynes
1 1 1
= Kelly Wickens
Horsted Keynes
1 1 1
= Lisa D
Ansty Ladies
1 1 1
= Emily Holland
Horsted Keynes
1 1 1
= Sally
Ansty Ladies
1 1 1
= Holly
Horsted Keynes Juniors
3 1 1
= Debbie
Horsted Keynes
3 1 1
= Ella
Horsted Keynes
3 1 1
= Becki Clarke
3 2 1
= Tracy Meaden
4 2 1
= Millie Herbert
Lindfield Juniors
4 2 1

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