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Most wickets at Walberton Sports Field, The Street, Arundel

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
151 P Foster
3 1 1
= Tina Hawkins
Arundel Stoolball Club
3 1 1
= J Hooper
4 1 1
= Julie Jochimsen
Barns Green
4 1 1
= Lisa Jaycocks
Middleton Ladies
5 1 1
= Eleanor Wilson
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 1 1
= Trudy Purkis
Middleton Ladies
6 1 1
= Jane Hyland
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 1 1
= Jessica Stanley
7 1 1
= E Hashmi
Aldingbourne Ladies
11 1 1
= Hannah Tomlinson
17 1 1
= Rachel Lennon
Aldingbourne Ladies
36 1 1
= Jess Collier
Aldingbourne Ladies
49 1 1

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