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Most wickets at Weald Cricket Club, Sevenoaks Weald

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
201 Angela Goff
Bidborough Ladies
3 3 1
= Nicola Hoskins
Penshurst Ladies
3 3 1
= Lauren Keen
Sevenoaks Weald
4 3 1
= Laura French
Penshurst Ladies
5 3 1
= Lorna Townsend
Ashurst and Blackham Ladies
7 3 1
= Fran Bn
Sevenoaks Weald
10 3 1
= Emma Bowers
Ashurst and Blackham Ladies
4 4 1
= Charlotte Brill
Leigh Ladies
5 4 1
= Vivienne Teckoe
Sevenoaks Weald and Weald Ladies
36 4 1

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