Build your own stoolball wicket
If you'd prefer to build your own stoolball wicket rather than buying a ready-made set, follow this simple guide.
To build one wicket similar to the one shown, you will need to cut out the following pieces:
- A - 12" x 12" x ½" (solid wood or ½" plywood)
- B - 53" x 2" x 2"
- C - 24" x 2" x 2"
- D - 18" x 2" x 2"

Connect C to the bottom of B using a 6" screw or something similar.

Connect A to the top of B with two ½" screws.

For the final step connect D to B and C. There are two ways to do this.
Method 1: Use shelf brackets at least 8" long, secured with at least 1¼" screws.

Method 2: Use supports cut from plywood, secured with at least 1¼" screws.