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Sam Pride

Catches Most catches Run-outs Most run-outs
2 1 4 2
Catches, most recent first
Match When Batter How out Bowler Runs
Ewhurst lost to Wonersh, 17 Jul 23 17 July 2023 Georgie caught and bowled 2
Ewhurst beat Guildford, 10 Jul 23 10 July 2023 Millie caught 1
Run-outs, most recent first
Match When Batter Runs
Guildford lost to Ewhurst, 14 May 14 May 24
Ewhurst beat Guildford, 17 May 23 17 May 2023 1
Ewhurst lost to Beare Green, 10 May 23 10 May 2023 1

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