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Highest individual scores for Woodmancote

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Match When Runs Balls
51 Mary 2 August 2012 2
= Simon 10 May 2011 2
= Dawn 26 July 2011 2
= Dawn 22 May 2012 2
= Richard Balls 14 June 2011 2
= Cheryl 2 August 2012 2
57 Simon 14 June 2011 1*
= Richard 10 May 2011 1*
= Richard 2 August 2012 1*
60 Dawn 24 May 2011 1
= Harvey 22 May 2012 1
= Anna Ball 14 June 2011 1
= Mary 10 May 2011 1
= Simon 2 August 2012 1
= Doc 10 May 2011 1
= Joey 12 August 2012 1
67 Simon 22 May 2012 0*
= Doc 24 May 2011 0*
= Cheryl 24 May 2011 0*
70 Cheryl 14 June 2011 0
= Dawn 29 May 2012 0
= Doc 29 May 2012 0
= Glesni 2 August 2012 0
= Doc 2 August 2012 0
= Jess (borrowed) 17 May 2011 0
= Jez 26 July 2011 0
= Milly 10 May 2011 0
= Linsey 2 August 2012 0
= Linsey 10 May 2011 0
= Jasmine 10 May 2011 0

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